Sustainability Report 2016/2017

Vision and Values

Why we do what we do
We want to build a better world – together with our clients and partners here in Denmark and abroad.

Building a better future can start today! We work in a company where in fact our work may constitute the major difference.

Sustainability is part of all of our work and thinking – from urban development plans to the design of new buildings, to energy renovations and energy management. At the local level where people live and work, we provide engineering services for homes and buildings which are energy-efficient and offer a healthy indoor climate. At the global level we use energy-efficient solutions to provide a foundation for healthy, sustainable, and environmentally sound economic growth. This contributes to raising the standard of living for people in developing countries, as well as helping to create a global partnership for development. We assist developing nations by creating energy policies and new legislation, as well as environmental improvements through the use of renewable energy sources.

To obtain a greater impact for scarce energy resources, and strengthen climate efforts, we continuously develop innovative consulting approaches, methods and tools that improve sustainability for our clients. Our values dictate that we need to think about the planet’s resources and how we use them – sustainably from cradle-to-cradle. It is “food for thought” that human beings would need four planets to continue using the earth’s resources at our current pace!

Our Vision
Based on a passion for energy, we strive to build a future where energy is applied efficiently and sustainably in an affordable way.

Our Values
“Our values are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the European Union’s 2030 and 2050 targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% below 1990 levels by 2050.”

  1. Our motivation to provide sustainable energy services when and where they are needed, increasing energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
  2. Our commitment to strengthening peoples living conditions and contributing to the creation of sustainable cities and communities.
  3. Our ability to be creative and adaptable, combating climate change and meeting customer needs with innovative solutions.
  4. Our willingness and desire to foster cooperation and mutual trust within all of our partnerships, maintaining a high standard of social responsibility and business ethics in a transparent manner.

This year’s report highlights our online SDG reporting system on page 24, and page 25 shows the sustainable impact across all company projects for the year, measured with relation to the time we have spent working with primary Sustainable Development Goals and SDG Targets. Page 5 also shows our contribution to sustainable development with relation to SMART indicators.

The Report is available on our website here:

The Report is also uploaded to the Global Compact’s website here:

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