Developing the Brazilian Food Production

This week, eight Danish companies are visiting six Brazilian cooperatives to sell their products and solutions. The program is packed, and we are travelling more than 1,100 km, but the opportunities are great and many.

Click here and watch a video of Rasmus Miller, CFO in Brüel Systems and one of the participants in the delegation, who is telling us why they are in Brazil.

In this moment, the second delegation of eight Danish companies within the agriculture and food technology sector are travelling around in one of Brazil’s most southern states Parana. The companies are visiting six of Brazil’s large cooperatives, where they are introduced to both buyers and technical staff to discuss the opportunities.

The visit is planned by DI, the Danish Consulate General in São Paulo, EKF and the Danish Agriculture & Food Council.

The agricultural and food sector drives growth

Brazil has experienced a financial and political storm the last couple of years, but the agriculture and food sector have continued to grow. The large domestic consumer market and exports are expected to drive growth in the country’s economy, and some of the fastest growing segments in the sector includes meat and agricultural products.

To sustain the rapid growth of the sector, the sector continuously invests into new and more efficient manufacturing technologies. Furthermore, as the consumers become more aware and conscious, the sector is undergoing a rapid development focusing on more sustainable production methods, food safety and on quality.

In Paraná we find some of the largest agricultural cooperatives in the world, including the cooperatives the Danish companies are visiting. To underline the positive development within the food and agricultural sector, EKF is together with banks in São Paolo offering the cooperatives credit lines for a total amount of USD 125 mio.

Together with EKF’s new credit opportunities, the Danish companies can increase their exports to Brazil significantly.

What the Danish compenies hope to accomplish
In the following video, Rasmus Miller, CFO from Brüel Systems is explaining why they are participating in the delegation and what he hopes to gain from the visits. (Video in Danish)

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