How do you boost sales with sustainability?
De Forenede Dampvaskerier (DFD) has turned sustainability into a competitive advantage. Get hands-on insights into how they do this at the miniconference on 9 November 2017 in Copenhagen.
Learn how to use sustainability to boost sales with DFD at the mini conference 9 November 2017.
For several years De Forenede Dampvaskerier (DFD) - one of Scandinavia’s largest service companies within the textile rental and laundering sector – has worked with sustainability as an integrated part of its business strategy.
Therefore it has only been a natural development for DFD to extend these efforts into their sales approach. By placing sustainability at the core of its value proposition, DFD has managed to attract and retain customers, thereby turning its sustainable focus into a true competitive advantage.
A value-based sales approach
For DFD’s customers sustainability is also becoming a business parameter - especially in the public sector.
"It is our experience that the municipalities and regions increasingly are asking about environmental and CSR certifications, and often they also want concrete cases," explains DFD's Section Manager, Jan H. Matthiesen.
In order to be able to meet these requests DFD has developed a value-based sales approach, which in practice means asking specific questions in order to determine how – and if – CSR can become a value adding parameter for the customer.
“If the customer indicates that our sustainable efforts and know-how could bring value to their business, we emphasize this in the sales process. If sustainability has little or no relevance at all, we do not mention it for the customer,” explains DFD's Section Manager, Jan H. Matthiesen.
This segmented approach to CSR has given DFD an unique value proposition and a preferred supplier status for many customers.
Do you want to learn more about how DFD and other companies have successfully integrated CSR in their sales and customer relation efforts?
Join the miniconference about “Sustainable Customer Engagement” 9 Nov 2017 in Copenhagen.
At the miniconference you will also get how-to insights from:
- The international social business expert who provides an overview of global trends and cases (Tania Ellis, Special Advisor & Founder, The Social Business Company)
- The fair trade organization that engages consumers to increase market demands for sustainable products (Louise Elver, Communications Manager, Fairtrade Mærket)
- The international expert who changes corporate and consumer behaviour through nudging and behavioural design (Sille Krukow, Special Advisor & Director, KRUKOW).