Schneider Electric ranked a global leader by CDP for the 7th year running for its action on climate change

For the seventh year running, Schneider Electric has been included in CDP’s Climate A List of companies leading the fight against carbon emissions. Only 112 companies worldwide, among nearly 2,500 participants, are selected in this ranking.

The CDP Climate A List recognizes the Group’s strategy of promoting environmentally and climate-friendly development as an intrinsic driver of business performance. 

The 2017 Climate A List has been unveiled in a report by CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), a non-profit organization aiming to drive the development of sustainable economies. This report serves as a leading global framework for businesses to compare their climate performance, demonstrating how international corporations have started their transition towards a low-carbon economy and are reaping the benefits. In 2017, CDP has raised the bar, increasing its requirements for inclusion in the A list, which was drawn up on behalf of 803 investors with assets of $100 trillion. 

CDP rankings are becoming increasingly influential among companies and their stakeholders. The number of companies applying for the CDP program has increased by 33% since 2013 and now accounts for 56% of global market capitalization. 

The Climate A List, along with a climate report on each company participating annually in the CDP climate change program, are available on the CDP website.

Get to know more about Climate A list: 

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